

New Rai Way code for electronic invoicing

As of October 02, 2023, Rai Way assumes a new code for the proper conveyance of invoices to Rai Way's tax drawer.

In this context, we inform that our new destination code for electronic invoicing is as follows: ISHDUAE

Relationships with suppliers

Tenders and communications are issued through our suppliers portal for telematic tenders "Rai Way Suppliers".

Go to the Rai Way supplier portal:

Information on transparency, for the contract assignment stage, can also be found in the section “Award notices, outcomes and assignments”. Personal information published can be reused only under the conditions established by the regulations on the reuse of public information (EU Directive 2003/98/EC and Italian Legislative Decree 36/2006, implementing the same), in terms compatible with the purposes for which they were collected and registered, and in compliance with the regulations on protection of personal information.

Transparency - suppliers - publication pursuant to Italian Law 190/2012

The National Anti-Corruption Authority (ANAC) published Resolution no. 39 of 20 January 2016, which provides indications to public administrations regarding fulfilment of obligations to publish and send information in open format, pursuant to article 1, paragraph 32 of Italian Law 190/2012, as amended by article 8, paragraph 2, of Italian Law no. 69/2015.

In particular, this includes the obligation for contracting stations to publish, on their own institutional websites, with reference to proceedings pursuant to paragraph 16, letter b) of the same law, the following information: proposing body; purpose of the tender; list of operators invited to present a bid; the winning tenderer; the amount of the tender awarded; schedule for completion of the work, service or supply; amount of sums liquidated. Article 8, paragraph 2 of Italian Law no. 69 of 27 May 2015, integrating the previously mentioned article 1, paragraph 32 of Italian Law 190/2012, establishes the obligation to send this information to the former Commission for Assessment, Transparency and Integrity for Public Administrations (now ANAC), on a half-yearly basis.

Tables pursuant to Italian Law no. 190 of 6/11/2012

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