About us
About us

Transmission Network

A reliable, flexible and cutting-edge transport network

Rai Way’s Transmission Network, with 6,000km of Fibre Optics

Our transmission network carries out two main services:

  • distribution, including DTT for television, and DAB and MF for radio;
  • television and radio contribution.

Our main asset for long-distance connection is our over 6,000km-long fibre optic network (created using IP/MPLS technology, and supplemented byintegrated using DTM technology for video content), with elevated bit rate connections (up to Nx10 Gb/s and Nx1 Gb/s) which reach all Production Centres and all regional offices of Rai.

Our DTM technology guarantees high-definition (HD) contribution services between regional offices. Our network is also prepared for full HD, and is already predisposed for 4K.

Network Characteristics

The architecture of our network:

  • guarantees an elevated level of reliability
  • is flexible, and can be extended when needed to cater to specific, short-term events (e.g., temporary contribution events)

is integrated with the radio link network consisting of a main backbone in SDH technology and a series of peripheral sections, made with radio link networks in DVB-ASI technology specific for the broadcasting service

As well as its connections with the main production centres, this access network also comprises:

  • satellite connections as support to external recording
  • urban fibre optic connections, present mainly in Rome and Milan, used to connect important venues of cultural and sports events and some institutional and political sites

Network Function

Our transmission network simultaneously carries out two functions:

  • Contribution: exchange of programmes between the local offices (for our customer Rai: the Rregional capitals) and the Production Sites (for our customer Rai: Rome, Milan, Turin and Naples). It provides significant support to the editorial activities of the television networks and journalistic productions of both Italian and foreign broadcasters
  • Broadcasting: transmission of national and regional radio and television programmes to all transmitting centres (primary broadcasting centres, from which the broadcasting network unwinds)

Rai Way’s transmission network adheres fully, in terms of quality and accessibility, to international regulations which dictate the performance of connections.

A reliable, flexible, and state-of-the-art transmission network.