About us
About us

Infrastructure and People for the Community

A widespread presence across Italy

Technological Resources

We operating through a broadcasting and transmission network made up of more than 2,300 sites, located in strategic positions, and distributed throughout the country. We offer two national control centres, in Milan and Rome, as well as a fibre optic transmission network, radio links, and satellites

Human Resources

Our technological infrastructure is of the highest quality, and is able to provide an excellent service. We stand out thanks to our technicians, who are spread throughout all regions of Italy, heirs of those who made the history of radio and television broadcasting in Italy.

Technological Resources: A Consistent Focus upon Innovation and the Environment

Our network is now undergoing a major technological renewal process to switch to the DVB-T2 standard.

In more recent years we have been refarming frequencies to free up the 700 MHz band for the development of 5G. Within this process, also known as ‘refarming’, we replaced and upgraded our broadcasting and transmission equipment.

In reconfiguring the network to align with the new standards, we also pursued the goals of:

  • carrying out a digital upgrade on our infrastructure;
  • extending out network coverage.

With more than 100 million euros of investment, we have activated more efficient systems and equipment, which, in line with our Sustainability Plan and policy, have enabled us to:

  • reduce our impact on local landscapes;
  • control electromagnetic radiation;
  • lower energy consumption.

Human Resources: Our Source of Excellence

Our presence across the country is unmatched, as is our technical skill, and the commitment and dedication of our employees throughout all regions of Italy. It is through these fundamental members of our community that we guarantee a consistent public radio and television service to all our clients.

Our corporate structure is outlined as follows:

  • The North Area Manager, Alberto Fassio, coordinates 10 northern Italian regions and is responsible for Plant Operations, i.e. engineering the maintenance of the sites and equipment throughout the country
  • The South Area Manager, Giuseppe Bisesti, coordinates 10 regions in central and southern Italy, and is responsible for Infrastructure Operations, i.e. engineering the maintenance of the sites and equipment throughout the country
  • The 20 regions, to which our teams of technicians on the ground report and which are each answerable to a regional manager, are particularly tasked with the mission of carrying out the operation and proper maintenance of sites, as well as contributing to the reconfiguration of the network with a view to re-farming
  • A few years ago, we created the "multiskilled technician" figure, people who - after ad hoc training - can deal with both maintenance and quality control

More than 50% of employees work within one of these 20 regions, directly reporting to their respective regional manager.

The Role of the Regional Manager

The Regional Manager is Rai Way’s “frontman” within our communities.

They carry out a central role in the coordination of activities and people within their specific region. The responsibilities of the role include:

  • implementation and maintenance of sites and systems;
  • supervision of the area through the management of relationships with local institutions and entities.

Additionally, the regional manager:

  • acts as a connection to external customers for the preliminary and installation phases of the hosting process;
  • supports the management of safety issues and accident prevention relating to the sites and their personnel.

Our technological assets

2,300 sites, more than 99% of the population

Our terrestrial transmission and broadcasting networks are made up of strategically positioned sites across all regions of Italy. These sites are installed with the necessary technological apparatus to carry Rai’s services. Rai Way has also been entrusted with the maintenance of active apparatus. Alongside this, our towers host third-party apparatus for companies within the Tower Business Service industry.

3 National Control Centres

The Rome centre (Transmission Network Operations Centre and Services Delivery), as well as the Milan centre (Broadcast Network Operations Centre) are operational 24/7. These are joined by the Security Operations Center.

6,000km of Fibre Optics

Our transmission network provides carries out broadcasting and contribution services for the radio and television sectors. The main asset needed for long-distance connection is a fibre optic network, with connections at an elevated bit rate allowing for contributions in HD and full HD.

50 locations and more than 25,000 verification points

As far as quality control is concerned, our integrated and transversal monitoring system can provide detailed information on the reception conditions of radio and television signals in the airwaves. The staff present in the area also allow the quality of the service to be continuously monitored

3+5 Transponder

We operate the satellite network that ensures the broadcasting of Rai's exclusive offer and other customers' channels in Europe, North Africa and the Middle East, as well as the transmission of Rai's signals for satellite broadcasting on all continents. On a national level, the satellite distribution network allows radio, DAB and DTT signals.