
Our themes

Goal: Carbon Neutrality by 2025

We aim to achieve Carbon Neutrality by 2025.

This is an ambitious goal, which confirms the commitment of the entire company to fight climate change and reduce the environmental impact generated by our activities. With 100% electricity from certified renewable sources by 2020.

All-round environment and safety

More than training

Respect for the environment, health and safety of our stakeholders are key to the management of our activities. We ensure the highest standards all the way through our value chain, from our employees to all citizens to those who use our services.

Our people

We value our employees and invest in regular training and adequate development processes which align with the company’s culture and values. These elements are essential in ensuring that our team fulfil their full potential, as well as ensuring company growth, innovation, and sustainability.

In accordance with ESG objectives, our approach is focused on four main areas:

  • gives value to diversity and inclusion;
  • involves employees in welfare profiles;
  • provides across-the-board training;
  • protects their health and safety.

Closeness to the territory

Rai Way for the Country

We are present throughout the entire country, with more than 2,300 sites, 21 offices, providing a nationally-accessible service; we are aware, therefore, of our economic, social, and environmental responsibility.

That’s why we are committed to contributing daily to the development of our country, broadcasting culture, information, and entertainment.

Innovation development

New technologies which serve the future

We explore technologies needed today for a more sustainable tomorrow: from means of communication, to those needed for work and play. That’s why innovation, research, and digital transformation are strategic levers we use to give value to the technological assets of our country, allowing it to grow responsibly.

Innovation is a key element in our Industrial Plan 2020-2023, confirmed in the Sustainability Plan 2024-2027 and also identified in our Sustainability Strategy.