Rai Way’s Activities and Market Context
Integreted digital infrastructure and services for media content distribution
We guarantee a public radio and television service for the broadcasting and transmission of radio and television content, both in Italy and abroad. We use our assets, as well as the most advanced technological solutions, to offer infrastructure and network services to our customers.
Evolving in line with market trends.
We have established our position as leaders in the Italian market for communication and network services infrastructure. This is thanks to our distinctive characteristics, such as:
- the widespread nature of the network throughout Italy
- the excellence of the knowledge and operational skills of our highly qualified personnel
- reliability in ensuring a public service mission
- financial soundness, which allows us to make important investments
- our dynamic approach to seeking out new technology.

Rai Way’s Strengths:
- Know-how and qualified personnel
- Technological assets
- Quality, effectiveness, and attention to the environment
- Presence across Italy
- Rai Way's fibre optic contribution network allows for the interconnection of Rai's production centres and regional offices, which send high-definition audio-video signals.
- All signals sent by Rai flow onto a matrix at the Rai Way national control centre in Via Teulada (Rome).
- Saxa Rubra (Rome) represents Rai's main broadcasting point, to which we are connected via fibre optics. Rai gives us all the signals to distribute.
- The signals are inserted in the Head Ends, platforms where they are packaged in the multiplex that must distribute them.
- Once the multiplexes are packaged, they are transported through our digital terrestrial distribution network, via radio link networks or fibre optics, to our broadcasting network (2,300 sites distributed throughout the country).
- From the broadcasting systems - our towers - the multiplex signal is diffused in the coverage area, reaching the TV antennas and radios of the end-users.
Re-farming Process
In 2008, our network reached an important technological milestone; we transitioned from analogue to digital terrestrial (DTT). Thanks to this switch, Rai is able to ensure a universality in our public services, with coverage of MUX 1 (Rai channels 1, 2, and 3) to more than 99% of the population.
Today, we are undergoing another fundamental evolution: transitioning to DVB-T2 technology. and to a higher compression standard (MPEG4/HEVC). As required by the referming process - which was necessary to free up the 700 MHz frequency band for the development of 5G - we have reorganized the use of frequencies, adopting higher compression standards (MPEG4/HEVC).
With the refarming:
- we extended network coverage; by 2021, there were 1,000 Rai Way sites set up to broadcast all of Rai's thematic channels and HD broadcasts, up from 400 in the first digital terrestrial switchover;
- we built the broadcast networks for the most important regional television operators in Lombardy, Piedmont, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Veneto, Lazio, Puglia, Basilicata and Sicily;
- we have reduced our environmental impacts; in fact, the new installations have allowed us to lower our electromagnetic impact and our carbon footprint.
The next step in this technological evolution, the transition to the new transmission system in DVB T2 technology, also:
- will improve broadcast quality;
- will allow broadcasters to offer more and more content in high definition.
The process of switching to DVB-T2 and the new compression standards was the subject of an agreement with Rai, signed in December 2019.
Investments for the refarming project for Rai amounted to about 150 million euros in total.

Business Model
Our business model is evolving to reflect the changes in the sector we operate in, responding to a deep-rooted and dynamic evolutionary process – which could also be considered disruptively innovative – of digital transformation and new methods of producing content.
In terms of the television market, Italy is characterised by the resilience of its digital terrestrial broadcasting (DTT), which is much more prevalent than other television platforms, when compared to other countries. The motivation, therefore, is twofold: it is both historic and technological.
Sustainability of Digital Terrestrial Television
More than 70% of Italian families choose digital terrestrial television as the primary platform for accessing television content. Cable TV has never been developed, and satellite TV is mainly used for Pay-TV and, where necessary, to supplement DTT coverage in unreached areas. Compared to the OTT (Over the Top) platform, DTT shows a good resilience with a stable audience (about 10 million viewers throughout the day) and a share of 85% of broadcasters' advertising revenues.
What do Italians choose: traditional or on-demand television?
The two methods of television consumption are actually more complementary than substitutionary. On-demand TV is prevalent when it comes to non-live and deferrable content (like series or films), whilst the linear method remains top choice for live or non-deferrable events aimed at a large audience, such as entertainment, sports, and news. In terms of costs and capacity, DTT broadcasting remains, therefore, the most efficient way to distribute the offer of traditional broadcasters
This complementary nature between the two platforms is confirmed by trend analyses carried out in recent studies and questionnaires. It was found that:
- the excellent performance of digital terrestrial during the pandemic (audience +10%) for the social role of traditional TV
- the vast majority of users watch content on multiple platforms (90% OTT users still watch traditional TV)
- when available, television screens are the preferred viewing platform, compared to mobile or other devices
Broadband and Broadcasting Platforms
A mix of broadband and broadcasting platforms are, therefore, proven. This allows us to reap the benefits of both, such as:
- ample coverage and widespread audience of traditional television via DTT;
- flexibility and personalisation of content broadcast via broadband.
Where do we see ourselves in the future?
Rai Way is open to a number of long-term prospects, thanks to the services we offer on new platforms, as well as potential activities relating to the upgrading of our networks (for example, with 5G).
Analog and Digital Radio
In terms of the Italian radio market, the transmission of analogue radio in FM is supported by DAB+ (Digital Audio Broadcasting) networks. The two transmissive technologies will continue to work parallel to each other.
As well as ensuring the transmission and broadcasting of RAI radio services, we are adapting to be able to progressively expand digital methods of content reception through our transmission and broadcasting networks into DAB+ technology, which is already present along the main Italian roads and motorways, as well as in all densely populated areas.

Tower business
Our unique network infrastructure, characterised by quality towers strategically placed to provide coverage to the entire population of Itaand landscapely, makes Rai Way’s assets a point of reference not just for TV and radio clientscostumerscustomers, but also for the development of services for telecommunications operators.
What sets our towers apart is, in particular, their presence in rural and more peripheral areas of the country. This was necessary in guaranteeing a public radio and television broadcasting service.
Our services integrate hosting (i.e., the hosting of our towers on third-party apparatus, such as that of broadcasters and telecommunications operators) and complementary services which add value to the planning of networks, the management and maintenance of systems, and energy supply.
Our assets support the development of mobile network coverage, as well as the extension of fixed broadband services in white and grey areas. This is achieved through Fixed Wireless Access technology.
More and more Fixed Wireless Access and New Services
The tower rental market presents opportunities related to the predicted acceleration of new-generation broadband network development, both mobile (5G) and fixed, thanks to ‘Fixed Wireless Access’. But what does this mean? FWA is the technology which allows for increased broadband coverage in order to sustain the broadcasting of new services.
Our DTT coverage reaches 99.8% of the population. This is why we consider ourselves a strategic asset in the relevant market, as well as an important figure in overcoming the digital divide. In this way, we are able to reach:
- smart cities, densely inhabited areas;
- smart villages, low-density rural areas.
Our role in client service
Strengthened by in our long-standing experience with RAI, we apply our engineering, planning, and managerial knowledge, as well as our technological and human resources, to the services we provide to all our clients. We are able to bring value to activities related to Tower Rental, to transmission and broadcasting needs, and to innovative and high-tech services.
We are diversifying and expanding our service offerings by entering infrastructure sectors close to our own such as datacenter , edge datacenter and Content Delivery Network services.,ensuring growth prospects and synergies with the core-business.
Our choices intend to add value to both our elevated technological knowledge and our unique infrastructure. For example: they allow us the possibility to take advantage of the strategic positioning of our towers across Italy, considering also opportunities which allow for:
- industrial synergy;
- wider openings into rapidly-growing markets;
- alternative uses for our infrastructure.
We contribute to the technical evolution of the country through our activities and investments.