
Sustainability Plan 2024-2027

In 2023, at the end of the first 2021-2023 Sustainability Plan, Rai Way decided to confirm its commitments in the field of sustainability by setting itself increasingly challenging goals to contribute to combating climate change by formalising the new 2024-2027 Sustainability Plan.

The 2024-2027 Sustainability Plan aims to:

  • Provide Rai Way’s response to global challenges drawing on the UN Sustainable DevelopmGoals (SDGs);
  • Create a strong synergy between the strategic directions, objectives and targets of the Sustainability Plan with Rai Way’s business model, material issues and Risk Catalogue and ERM;
  • Classify anticipated ESG Rating Action Plan and 2024-27 Industrial Plan actions, linking them to qualitative objectives/quantitative targets and operational initiatives with associated deadlines.

Our Strategic Guidelines and 13 SDGs

The architecture of the Plan, in continuity with the recently concluded Plan, is divided into 6 strategic directions, 24 qualitative objectives and 20 quantitative targets, further broken down into 38 operational initiatives, associated with 13 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of 2030 Agenda.

Fight climate change and reducing environmental impact
Promote the well-being and development of our people
Contribute to the social, cultural and economic development of the community and territory
Ensure high standards of health and safety throughout the value chain
Development and maintenance of a governance system aligned to best practice, integrated with sustainability profiles
Develop technologic al innovation and contribute to the digitisation of the country

1. Environment - Fight climate change and reduceour environmental footprint

1.1 Reduce emissions and become Carbon Neutral by 2025

1.2 Improve management systems to reduce environmental impacts
1.3 Protect biodiversity and ecosystems
1.4 Develop circular economy projects


  • Define and initiate GHG emission reduction initiatives to contribute to climate change mitigation
  • Design and implement the Edge Data Centre network with solutions aimed at minimising energy consumption and maximising efficiency
  • Maintain ISO 14001 certification
  • Continue project already contracted with institutional clients aimed at protecting biodiversity and restoring ecosystems
  • Plan actions to make resource consumption more efficient
  • Maximise the recovery or recycling rate of waste generated

2.a Social - Ensure high health and safety standards throughout the value chain

2.a.1 Ensure the monitoring of the corporate health and safety standards
2.a.2 Promote health and safety culture at work


  • Confirm the constant achievement of the objectives set out in the Risk Assessment Document (DVR) and in the Integrated Safety and Environment Management System (SGI), in line with applicable regulations (Legislative Decree 81/08)
  • Continue the timely monitoring of the levels of risk of work-related stress and stressful events, according to the INAIL guidelines
  • Maintain ISO 45001 certification and monitor the Integrated Health, Safety and Environment Management System objectives
  • Raise employee and supplier awareness of prevention and health and safety at work

2.b Social - Contribute to social, cultural and economic development in our community and the area

2.b.1 Increase commitment to social initiatives in favour of the community by creating value in the territories in which Rai Way operates
2.b.2 Guarantee electromagnetic radiation auditing and compliance with regulations
2.b.3 Foster the reduction of landscape impact with the involvement of Rai Way value chain players
2.b.4 Customer satisfaction and quality service development


  • Carry out collaboration initiatives with universities and research centres and strengthen external communication on Rai Way's social commitment
  • Implement projects and initiatives of social value
  • Maintain a management model for constant electromagnetic impact monitoring of own facilities and oversee processes facilitating emission systems proper operation
  • Collaborate with local institutions for potential rationalisation of plants
  • Promote plant rationalisation to customers
  • Maintain ISO 9001 and monitor the Quality Management System objectives

2.c Social - Promote the well-being and development of our employees

2.c.1 Promote diversity and ensure inclusion
2.c.2 Promote and disseminate a culture of respect and inviolability of human rights
2.c.3 Ensure employee well-being and a good work-life balance
2.c.4 Increase employee engagement
2.c.5 Enhance of digital skills, strategic and market vision and individual entrepreneurship


  • Create a fair and inclusive working environment, pursuing gender equality and valuing all types of diversity at all company levels
  • Implement actions to combat all forms of violence and discrimination, ensure adequate remuneration and workloads and prevent all forms of labour exploltation
  • Implement an agile work model and other work-life balance services (e.g. maternity leave, time bonus)
  • Ensure the well-being of employees through dedicated services and initiatives
  • Foster employee motivation to contribute to company goals and developing inclusive leadership
  • Spread the culture of sustainability and promote cultural change at every organisational level through ESG Ambassadors
  • Develop a training plan that inciudes all organisational levels to accompany Rai Way's competitive transformation

3.a Governance - Develop and maintain a best practice aligned governance system incorporated into sustainability profiles

3.a.1 Ensure regulatory compliance in cybersecurity and data privacy
3.a.2 Ensure managerial and auditor diversity
3.a.3 Undertake collaborative activities on social and environmental initiatives


  • Implement and continuously improve cybersecurity measures in accordance with industry regulations, standards and best practices
  • Maintain respect for privacy in the conduct of operations
  • Maintain adequate gender representation in corporate governance and control bodies
  • Define and implement partnership and networking activitles and initiatives

3.b Governance - Develop and maintain a best practice ligned governance system incorporated into sustainability profiles

3.b.1 Integrate sustainability principles throughout the supply chain
3.b.2 Strengthen sustainability governance to meet regulatory requirements and stay aligned with industry trends and evolutions
3.b.3 Prevent active and passive corruption at all levels
3.b.4 Improve Enterprise Risk Management, Project and Process Management measures


  • Initiate a process of ESG mapping and evaluation of suppliers
  • Strengthening and standardising the engagement process with suppliers on sustainability topics
  • Ensure the structured integration of ESG topics within corporate processes and strategies
  • Participate in key ESG ratings/indices in order to assess and improve sustainability performance
  • Meet international ethics and corruptionprevention standards
  • Improve Project Management
  • Improve Process Management

4. Innovation - Develop technological innovation and contribute to our Country's digitalisation

4.1 Invest in research and development for innovative infrastructure uses
4.2 Enable the company and stakeholders' digital evolution


  • Trial new platforms and systems for innovative applications and services
  • Develop a digital infrastructure upgrade by building Edge Data Centres and Hyperscale Data Centres
  • Expand managed infrastructures and develop the business model for services on alternative platforms
  • Optimise field operations through the application of Artificial Intelligence components and remote site control activities
