
Our people

A safe and inclusive work environment

We value our employees and invest in regular training and adequate development processes which align with the company’s culture and values. These elements are essential in ensuring that our team fulfil their full potential, as well as ensuring company growth, innovation, and sustainability.

As expressed within our Code of Ethics, we protect our employees and promote their physical and moral integrity. We do this by aligning our working environment and conditions with the industry’s best practices, respecting all relevant national primary and secondary regulations (which adopt among other conventions, that of the ILO [International Labour Organization] confirmed in Italy, including all fundamental and governance conventions). Our human rights protection measures are also in line with the 2030 Agenda, and with the Declaration of Human Rights, especially regarding the refusal of appeal in relation to any type of forced or child labour.

In accordance with ESG objectives, our approach is focused on four main areas, actively attesting continuity with the company principles and values of the protection and security of our employees. This approach:

  • gives value to diversity and inclusion;
  • involves employees in welfare profiles;
  • provides across-the-board training;
  • protects their health and safety.

580 parts of one ecosystem

The abilities and skills of our employees are an asset to our Company, as well as a key element to our success. That’s why we invest in training, and take care of our team, offering them a safe, inclusive work environment.

New hires
Women in managerial positions compared to gender workforce
Employees under 35

Data updated to 2023

Rai Way Top Employers 2024

Rai Way’s concerted efforts in promoting and developing the Company’s resources has been recognised by its annual achievement of the Top Employers Italia certificate. This attests that the Company is capable of developing top working conditions, reconciling any instances of competition, and of maintaining the welfare of the organisation.

Diversity and Inclusion

We promote the creation of an inclusive working environment, and guarantee the absence of any type of discrimination.

We are aware of the importance of creating and maintaining a working environment in which, in accordance with constitutional principles, gender cannot be a prerequisite for any form of discrimination. To this end, we orient our human resources enhancement strategy and consequent lines of action to ensure an inclusive culture and organisation that respects gender equality in the starting conditions, translating our commitment into ethical and behavioural principles and measurable objectives that ensure pluralism and the development of professionalism based exclusively on criteria of merit, ability and competence. In the corporate perspective, gender equality, talent culture and female leadership contribute to the improvement of corporate performance, ensuring the diversity of visions, values and perspectives of Rai Way human capital. In this context, in July 2023, we formalised and communicated:

  • the Rai Way Gender Policy, expression of the Company's commitment and focus on the consistency of its management and organisational practices and models in the name of inclusion, social responsibility and work-life balance appropriate to the different stages of personal and professional life;
  • the Policy for the prevention and management of harassment at work, in which the call for 'zero tolerance' of any form of psychological, physical, sexual or verbal harassment that compromises moral and professional dignity as well as physical and psychological integrity is accompanied by a set of actions and tools put in place both to eliminate organisational, training and information deficiencies that may contribute to the emergence of conflictual situations, discomfort and mobbing, and to ensure effective protection for all resources, who are the recipients of any act or behaviour that is prejudicial or discriminatory;
  • a Governance model of the Gender Equality Management System, composed of the Chief Executive Officer and General Manager and the company's Strategic Management in the HR, Legal and Finance roles, a further guarantee of the attention of the primary organisational oversights to the drive towards a culture and actions that are concrete based on organisational well-being, respect and the absence of prejudice.

In line with the principles expressed above, we focus our efforts explicitly on the following directives:

  • guaranteeing and appreciating diversity and equal opportunity through roles dedicated to Diversity & Community Relations, as well as through the active contribution of the Equal Opportunity Commission;
  • promoting digital recruitment processes, open to those of legal age, inspired by criteria which, respecting diversity and equal opportunity, will ensure a pluralism across a range of roles;
  • supervising and developing specific initiatives for Diversity Management, in order to appreciate diversity in the company culture and experience in an inclusive way. This also promotes and develops investigations of the company’s internal climate, in order to periodically evaluate employee satisfaction levels;
  • consistently assess the management of disabilities, alongside multiple support companies for disabled workers as referred to by the Collective Group Contract and by internal guidelines. Alongside this, the company principles respect obligatory employment regulations in terms of fulfilling the hiring obligations outlined in Law 68/99. Great care in the management of specific situations is also ensured, which are brought to the attention of Human Resources with appropriate measures then taken to meet the needs of that specific case (i.e. reserved parking spaces in the offices).

STEM Women: Training courses to encourage knowledge on the theme of diversity

As part of our “Role Model Project”, aimed at students in the 4th and 5th years of all high school and technical institutes, we have appointed female employees at Rai Way to carry out STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) education to talk about their professional experience and to inspire female students to move towards schooling in scientific subjects.

We collaborate with Valore D to promote diversity

We have launched a collaboration with Valore D: an association which fights for gender equality and for an inclusive corporate culture in our country’s companies. The mutual objective is to promote inclusivity and gender diversity policies, and to encourage the sharing of good corporate practices and paths of dialogue with institutions.

Giulia Liberatoscioli

Local Broadcasting Manager

Iva Bianchimano

Project Verification Manager


In 2023 we strengthened Rai Way's training model with qualified investments to ensure the constant improvement and updating of skills in support of the company's leadership model and digital evolution, focusing on the qualitative and quantitative development of learning processes, dedicated in particular to strengthening soft skills, culture and innovation, as well as health, safety at work and environmental initiatives.

The strategic management training plan also continued, aiming to strengthen leadership, strategic and market vision and public speaking, and was enhanced by external and networking experiences as well as coaching.

In 2022 we provided 32,083 hours of training, with an average of approximately 55 hours per employee .

Welfare and Wellbeing

We guarantee the wellbeing of our people and promote the constant enhancement of results and behaviours expressed, also through the adoption of innovative work-life balance tools.

In 2023 we confirmed the implementation of smart working organisational solutions and work-life balance options enabled by tools and systems that ensure adequate methods of integration and collaboration, within the framework of a results-based process of evolution and the related flexible, simplified organisation of work, to improve work life balance and reduce travel while ensuring health and safety objectives in line with current legislation.

We continued the targeted activities to listen to our people's needs through the annual promotion of surveys on the internal climate, monitoring the results, and incorporating the needs expressed.

Parental Leave


Find out more about our commitment in our Non-Financial Declaration
Discover the details of our Sustainability Performance