
Our commitment

Our Sustainability Strategy

In 2021, we formalised our sustainability strategy, which includes our ambitions for a more responsible future and which puts commitments and concrete actions into practice.

The fundamental elements of this strategy are:

What is a Sustainability Plan?
Our Sustainability Plan is a tool through which we define our commitment to sustainable development. It is based on integrating our sustainability model, aligned with the United Nations SDG targets, with the strategic challenges of the 2020-2023 Industrial Plan.

What is the aim of our Sustainability Plan?

Through the implementation of our Sustainability Plan, we intend to generate sustainable mid- and long-term value for our stakeholders across Italythe country. To achieve this, we have identified six strategic guidelines which will direct us.

Rai Way's 2021-2023 sustainability plan

Rai Way’s Sustainability Plan:

  • provides the company’s response to global challenges, which overlap with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals;
  • relates objectives and targets to the strategic guidelines consistent with Rai Way’s business model, with the Materiality Matrix, and with the company’s Sustainability Policy;
  • structures the actions outlined in our ESG Action Rating Plan and in our Industrial Plan 2020-2023, tracing them to qualitative objectives/quantitative targets and operational initiatives associated with a deadline.

Our Strategic Guidelines

Rai Way's 2021-2023 sustainability plan covers 12 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals identified by the United Nations (SDGs)

Fight climate change and reduce environment impact
Promote the well-being and development of our people
Contribute to social, cultural and economic development in our community and the territory
Ensure high health and safety standards throughhout ther value chain
Develop and mantain a governance system aligned to the best practices, integrated with sustainability profiles
Develop technologial innovation and contribute to the digitalisation of the Country

The Focus Pillars of Rai Way’s Sustainability Plan

1.Sustainability Plan for the environment

Within our Sustainability Plan, we aim to place great emphasis upon a respect for the environment, as well as fighting against climate change, with challenging goals such as achieving Carbon Neutrality in 2025 and the use of 100% renewable resources in our electrical energy supply.

2.Sustainability Plan for social

We regularly review the care we provide for our employees, in every aspect:

  • health, safety, and wellbeing
  • professional development;
  • diversity appreciation and gender equality;
  • gender equality;
  • implementation of flexible working models and work-life-balance options in order to ensure a balance between employees’ working and private lives.

In-keeping with our mission to provide a public service, our relationship with the landscape is of great importance, both in terms of controlling electromagnetic radiation and the reduction of impact upon nature, and in terms of promoting the social, cultural and economic development of local communities

3.Sustainability Plan for Governance

We have implemented the development of systems and policies which align with the best practices, and are integrated with our sustainability profiles. We achieve this by adhering to international ethical and anticorruption standards as outlined by the United Nations Global Compact, as well as by introducing a quota of 20% ESG objectives to our long-term management incentive plan.

4.Sustainability Plan for Innovation

Finally, innovation is of strategic importance and, with a planned investment of over EUR 200 million, represents a strategic lever for the evolution of the business and sustainability.

Advancements of Rai Way’s Sustainability Plan

By the end of the third year of Plan implementation on 31 December 2023, we have completed 35 of the 41 planned initiatives (excluding the 13 continuing because they are recurring and compliance initiatives) or 64.8%. The remaining 6 were included in the new Sustainability Plan 2024-2027.

Rai Way with United Nations Global Compact

Since June 2021, we have adhered to the United Nations Global Compact initiative (UNGC). This is the largest expression – on a global scale – of a company’s commitment to human rights, work, environment, and anticorruption policies.

We actively participate in this initiative, directing our efforts into two main directives:

  • the application of the Ten Principles of the UNGC on human rights, work, environment, and anticorruption, rendering them an integral part of our strategy and of our daily operations;
  • carrying out projects aimed to achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Adhering to these initiatives is explicitly considered among the best practices of the top ESG rating agencies, as well as being coherent with the objectives outlined in our Sustainability Plan 2023.

A Sustainability Plan strategy that is both internally and externally focused, integrated with the business and aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.