Rai Way Services
Rai Way Services

Data Center Colocation

You can request our Housing and Colocation services and solutions in our Data Centers in Turin Eremo, Milan Siziano, Venice Campalto, Genoa Granarolo and Florence Terrarossa

Supporting the Digital Evolution of Enterprises

Many of the technologies that will determine Industry 5.0 are already among us but are limited by the current infrastructure. This is because they generate and handle a quantity of data traffic so great that it cannot be transmitted efficiently by the traditional server structure. Fortunately, a solution to this bottleneck already exists, and it is based on centralised cloud computing and Edge computing. These technologies are crucial for managing decentralised and distributed data processing resources, and they are necessary for meeting essential requirements such as low latency and throughput.

We have created an architecture that enables the computing continuum, that is, the ability to use data wherever it’s needed. Our Data Center Network is Rai Way’s project for a national infrastructure of local data centers connected to each other and to the public Internet via more than 6,000 km of proprietary fibre optic backbone. That makes us able to bring data processing and storage closer to the customer’s premises through a distributed presence throughout the country. The presence of data centers distributed nationwide allows the end-user a service that is highly efficient, fast and fully compliant with the latest European security standards. Thanks to Rai Way’s Data Center network, it will be possible to increase opportunities and reach new markets, reducing costs and facilitating rapid start-up and scalability.

Solutions and Services

The entire Data Center and Edge Data Center infrastructure is offered through Housing and Colocation services, dedicated to those who use proprietary hardware and need to do so while operating in a professional environment that guarantees the highest levels of security and availability of power and cooling.

The aim is to respond to the evolving needs of many organisations, which need to bring their business applications as close as possible to the source of the data, thereby achieving shorter response times and maximising reliability, scalability and sustainability. Our data centers are all ANSI-TIA 942/B rating 3 certified and include the following features:

  • Configuration UPS: 2N
  • GE configuration: N+1
  • Cooling with DX technology , N+1 data hall, 2N technical rooms
  • Earthquake-proof buildings, max load 1000 kg/mq
  • Hot/Cold aisle containment

Requestable solutions

Standard rack spaces

As low as 1/4 rack with customizable electrical power, autonomous access with dedicated badge per individual rack.

Dedicated cage

Customizable shared room solution with hot/cold compartmentalization and dedicated access.

Fibre connectivity, scalability, cost optimisation

A nationwide network of Data Centers

The projects that Rai Way is developing, will realize a widespread network of Data Centers consisting of:

Edge Data Centers: designed to meet the need for proximity and low latency, even in areas of Italy that are currently underserved. The first 5 Edge Data Centers are already available in Turin Eremo, Milan Siziano, Venice Campalto, Genoa Granarolo, Florence Terrarossa.

Hyperscale Data Centers: ensuring infrastructure scalability and speed of deployment of highly customised solutions, with the highest standards of reliability and efficiency.

Why choose our Data Centers

The services of Rai Way’s Data Centers allow the user to enjoy all the advantages of Edge technology within the Italian territory, reducing latency times and, at the same time, ensuring high standards of infrastructure quality.

Low latency

The Data Centers are located in Italy, enabling data processing close to end-users. The shorter the physical distance the data travels, the shorter the response times.

Cost reduction

A distributed data center network reduces the need for high-speed connections for data transfer.

Traffic optimization

The use of Edge Data Centers in combination with traditional Data Centers makes it possible to easily manage traffic peaks.

Sustainable choice

The Rai Way’s Edge Data Centers favor renewable sources and the use of energy efficiency components to optimize the level of Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) and reduce CO₂ emissions.

Computing Continuum

Rai Way offers customers the opportunity of choosing where  data are stored, making sure that they are always stored within Italian territory.

Carrier neutrality

Rai Way is a carrier neutral operator, therefore independent of telecommunications operators. The main advantages are related to data security: data are  processed and stored in Italy with maximum protection.

Use Cases

Rai Way’s Data Center and Edge Data Center infrastructure enables all those applications that require low latency and presence of IT resources close to the users and where the data is generated. But which industries and use cases benefit from this innovation?

  • Edge Cloud
  • Internet of Things
  • AR/VR, CDN & AND
  • Cloud Gaming
  • Computer Vision