
Sustainability reports

Our sustainability Reports

Our Sustainability Reports are based on a structured reporting process which involves the collaboration of all company structures responsible for the areas covered by the report. We involved our employees, asking for their invaluable contributions to the identification and evaluation of material issues, significant projects to be described within the document and during the collection phase, and data analysis and consolidation, in order to verify and validate all information reported in the document.

The Sustainability Report, or Non-Financial Declaration, is published yearly, and is subject to the requirements of D.Lgs. 254/2016 and follows the option “in accordance” with the GRI Standards published in the Global Reporting Initiative 2021. Additionally, the report has been subjected to separate checks from legal auditing firm Ernst & Young S.p.A.

Sustainability Reports Archive

To us at Rai Way, Sustainability is not just a value to pursue but something that should be communicated, involving and engaging our stakeholders more every day. Since 2017, we have published our sustainability reports, edited in compliance with GRI reporting standards.
