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Work with Us

The Value of Diversity and Inclusion

From the prevention and protection against all forms of discrimination to initiatives which value diversity and guarantee inclusion: these are the guidelines Rai Way follows.

Our Code of Ethics outlines the principal of non-discrimination against diversity, and assigns pre-determined roles the task of creating a work environment in which “personal characteristics cannot constitute any kind of discrimination against age, sex, race, language, nationality, political opinion or religious belief.”

In line with this principle, we have always ensured a respect for diversity and equal opportunity through procedures and systems of research and selection, training, remuneration, and employee management which guarantee a pluralism in professionality. These are based on merit and competency criteria.

The Sodalitas Foundation’s Charter of Equal Opportunity

In 2021, Rai Way’s CEO signed the “Charter for equal opportunity and equality in the workplace” promoted by the Sodalitas Foundation. Its objective is to combat any form of workplace discrimination, and is committed to valuing diversity within an organisation.

Similarly, we promote an awareness and an importance of diversity across all levels of the company through our targeted training initiative plan, and through internal communication and information.

Diversity & Inclusion – Interview with Stefania Cinque, Chief Human Resources Officer

On the theme "Costruire ponti" launched by the European Commission, Stefania Cinque spoke on the occasion of European Diversity Month 2022, emphasizing the significance of the message for Rai Way, towards internal resources, in terms of inclusion, knowledge, and people's well-being, and towards the outside world, in terms of links to be activated with institutions, universities, schools, and associations.

Gender equality within our bodies of control and administration

Adhering to legal and regulatory requirements in terms of gender equality, women represent four of Rai Way’s nine board members; among its directors, three of the five members are female.

Composition of the Board of Directors

on 31.12.2022

Female presence in managerial positions

As a testament to our commitment to diversity and inclusion, we have set an ambitious objective, outlined within our Sustainability Plan: in 2023, we intend to have 35% of our managerial positions filled by members of the less-represented gender, compared to 28% in 2019. Currently, women have managerial roles in both staff CEO and Human Resources.

Rai Way and Valore D

In 2020, we launched a collaboration with Valore D: an association committed to a balance in gender for cultural inclusivity within organisations and within the country. In particular, they work to promote company best practices, and implement dialogue courses with institutions.

In this vein, we adhered to the “Manifesto for Female Employment” promoted by the association, and work to support and value female employment within the Company. We do this with an awareness that gender diversity is a key resource in innovation, productivity, and growth.

Women in STEM Roles

Our Role Models

We participate in initiatives which aim to encourage young women in pursuing studies in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), developing projects linked to schools and creating a community of spokeswomen and representatives who promote our values. Within our ‘Role Model’ project, aimed at fourth- and fifth-year high school students across all educational levels, we have selected Rai Way’s professional female profiles with STEM training, which can be used to inspire female students. The initiative proposes a successful working model, and allows young women to discover hidden talents.

Our STEM Spokeswomen

Within our company, we work hard to value the skill and experience of women with STEM degrees, as exemplified by the stories of our female employees.

Giorgia Bardi

Programme Management Officer

“After graduating with a degree in telecommunications engineering, I joined Rai Way in 2000. In my role, I particularly oversee the progress of strategic company projects. I have never experienced any kind of discrimination; at Rai Way, I’ve always felt my proposals are heard and valued. I’m certain that, in order to grow, you shouldn’t be afraid to propose ideas for change, or to discuss with your colleagues. With my experience, I want to contribute to the company through my vision and my innovative approach.”

Alegra De Angelis

Infrastructures & Real Estate/Tower and Technological Infrastructures

“I’m a civil engineer specialising in structures, and I’ve worked at Rai Way since 2004. Since 2018, I’ve been responsible for Tower and Technological Infrastructures, working both on tower and construction sites. For more than ten years, I’ve travelled across Italy, overseeing construction sites as a Site Manager. My colleagues have always been supportive, and have never treated me differently just because I’m a woman. There has never been any discrimination, or any ‘special attention’, either! I am now the manager of a team of 6 men. I think it’s important to stay true to myself; authenticity pays off.”

Lucia Luisa La Franceschina

Broadcast Services - RAI Contract

“I have a degree in mathematics. After overseeing various projects, mainly within the fields of broadcasting networks, I am now the manager of the ‘Trial’ group; alongside other activities, we test and analyse new technologies, such as 5G. I also actively participate in international study commissions on broadcasting, and since 2019 have been Vice Chairman of the Radio Advisory Group at ITU. There, I oversee a group which works on the promotion of women in STEM roles. At Rai Way, women are treated equally. I think it’s important not to undermine ourselves. We should always believe in our own abilities.”

Eleonora Pace

Core Network Manager